Saturday, December 28, 2019

5 Common Thoughts Hiring Managers Have During an Interview

5 Common Thoughts Hiring Managers Have During an Interview5 Common Thoughts Hiring Managers Have During an InterviewIt doesnt matter if youve been interviewed a million times or you can count them on one hand, the stress is palpable when you come face-to-face with a hiring manager. Youre trying your hardest to present the very best version of yourself while also attempting to read your interviewer, gather information about the position, company culture and the organization as a whole. No pressure.When you ask a hiring manager what its like to make a hiring decision, theyll tell you its no easy task for them, either. When theyre choosing from a group of well-qualified applicants, making the right choice can be very difficult. So how do you tip the scales in your favor? Try putting yourself in their shoes.No one has figured out how to read minds (last we checked) but you can come pretty close if you take a look at some of the fruchtwein common thoughts hiring managers think during your interview.Can I manage them?If a supervisor believes they cant work with you, theyre not going to hire you. Managers come in all sizes and shapes. Some are hands-off and give very little supervision while others want to receive daily updates and schedule regular check-in meetings. If you like regular feedback yourself, and like that one-on-one interaction then a laid-back manager isnt the best fit for you. Conversely, if youre a hands-off schriftart of employee, then an in-your-face supervisor wont be a great match for you.At some point in the interview, you should have an opportunity to ask a few questions as the interviewee. One of these questions should be, How would you describe your management style? If their answer is in line with your preferences, then let them know by saying something like, That sounds great, I find that I work really well with managers who are _____________.Should you discover that your future employers leadership style isnt a fit, you might want to evalua te whether or not this is the best job for you.Do they really understand the job position?Not only do interviewers want you to understand what youll be getting yourself into, they also want to know that youve done your homework. One big mistake job seekers make is not thoroughly reviewing the job description before the interview. During the interview, make an effort to relate your previous experiences and responsibilities to some of the duties you may have if youre brought on board.There are common questions hiring managers ask to find out if youve done your homework, like Why are you interested in this position? This is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the position. Be sure to say something specific that indicates you understand what the job entails and why youre such a great fit.Once youve demonstrated that youve done more than just read the job description, another great way to show you understand what youre interviewing for is to ask questions about the role. When you show you can go beyond the job listing, it sends a message to the interviewer that you have a solid grasp of the roles responsibilities and what is expected.Are they really excited about working here?Showing an in-depth understanding of the opportunity is vital, but you also need to show that youre genuinely excited about the organization as a whole. Lets be realistic not every interview is going to make you jump up and down with excitement, but try your best to show some enthusiasm.Along with wondering if youre truly excited about the opportunity, theyre also gauging whether you will be a good fit in the office environment. Dont forget to ask about the team, their work style and the company culture during the interview. This not only shows that youre genuinely interested, but it will show that you, too, care about being the right fit for the job.Will they make me look good?Ahhhand there it is, how will their performance reflect on me as their manager? Your future b oss wants to make sure that if they take a day off or cant make it to a meeting, that youre still be on top of your game. If you do well, they look good too. If youre a total goof off when the boss is away, they wont be too happy upon their return.How do you get your boss to understand youre totally trustworthy? Find out what they value in a team member. Ask, What traits do you find most important in an employee? or What are your expectations of the person who takes this position? If their answer lines up with your work style, make sure to tell them.Isnt it time for lunch?If a hiring manager has had back-to-back interviews all morning, their minds can wander. Wouldnt yours? Were not saying this happens in every interview, but sometimes the blood sugar drops and the squirrel syndrome kicks in. They might be hungry, tired or simply distracted. Regardless of the reason, it does happen.Even though you cant control the external factors affecting their state of mind, you can work on becom ing the most engaging, interesting interviewee you can possibly be. Ask a friend to help you practice interview questions, critique your body language, eye contact, tone of voice and the content of your answers. Keep your answers short and sweet, dont ramble if youre nervous. This can make a meeting feel like its dragging on for hours.Remember, the goal isnt to simply tell your interviewer what you think they want to hear. The goal is to proactively address questions theyre probably thinking about anyway. The fact is, the purpose of a job interview isnt just to land a job, its also a time to find out if you and your potential employer mesh well together. Come to the interview well-prepared and play an active role, and it will serve in making you look like an all-star

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Air Force Basic Training Physical Fitness

Air Force Basic Training Physical FitnessAir Force Basic Training Physical FitnessIn 2003, the Air Force Chief of Staff (the top general in the Air Force) got tired of the Air Force being known as the wimp service, when it came to fitness requirements, and he decided to toughen up the standards. He began with Air Force Basic Military Training (AFBMT). Recruits now undergo aninitial physical fitness assessment when they arrive at Air Force basic and must pass a final fitness test before they can graduate. In between, recruits exercise a lot. When the top guy made the change, Air Force basic training fitness (now called PRT, or physical readiness training) went from three or four days per week to six days per week. The six-day-a-week PRT regimen includes three days of aerobic running and three days of muscular endurance training. All PRT sessions begin with 15 or 20 minutes of stretching. The runs consist of 40-minute sessions of group-paced running, self-paced running, and six 30-sec ond sprint interval runs separated by brisk walking. Each week, trainees are timed on a two-mile run (the two-mile run isnt a pass or fail, but if you dont do well, you can expect some individual attention from your T.I., and thats never a good thing). The muscular endurance training takes up to 48 minutes on a circuit of crunches, leg lifts, push-ups, flutter kicks and pull-ups. These are designed to improve upper body and abdominal strength quickly.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Early Career Engineers Learn About Additive Manufacturing in ...

Early Career Engineers Learn About Additive Manufacturing in ... Early Career Engineers Learn About Additive Manufacturing in ... Early Career Engineers Learn About Additive Manufacturing in New YorkOct. 7, 2016 Members of the ASME-Association of German Engineers (VDI) Early Career Engineering Program contingent with members of ASME and New York University staff at the universitys MakerSpace facility. (Photo by Wil Haywood, Public Information) Early career engineers from ASME and the Association of German Engineers (VDI) recently met in New York to take part in a three-day workshop focusing on additive manufacturing/3D printing - one of the key technologies ASME is focusing on as part of its new strategic plan. During the visit, the engineers took part in tutorials covering additive manufacturing (AM) topics, and visited two area universities that have active AM research facilities.The event in New York was held as part of the ASME-VDI Early Career Engineers Program, whic h stemmed from an agreement the two organizations signed two years ago. During the first joint activity, five members from each society met at VDI headquarters in Dusseldorf in July 2014 to kick off the collaboration, which is intended to collect perspectives from early career engineers regarding the impact of advanced manufacturing, especially additive manufacturing, on their employers and subsequently the types of programs ASME and VDI should develop going forward. Victoria Bill (left), manager of New York Universitys MakerSpace facility, talks with Samson Shepherd, a member of ASMEs Early Career Engineering Program team. (Photo by Wil Haywood, Public Information)This year, a total of 11 ECEs participated in the program in New York, which took place from Sept. 15 to 18. Anita Rebarchak, a senior systems engineer at Pratt Neha Dixit, a mechanical engineering associate at Practice fhrender vertreter and Samson Shepherd, a mechanical engineer and project manager at Norcoast Mechanical in Alaska. Joining them on the team was Donnie Alonzo, Standards Certification engineer from ASME.Six members from VDI also took part in the event Jan Lukas Braje, an electrical engineering student from Dresden University of Technology Johannes Egger, an intern at INA-Schaeffler KG Maximilian Engelhardt, a student of engineering and business administration at HTW Berlin ?University of Applied Sciences Anna Hoff, a systems engineer at Ford Werke GmbH in Cologne Patrick Rlke, an employee of the electric car start-up company e.Go Mobile Paula Weidinger, a Ph.D. student at PTB - The National Metrology Institute of Germany.On the first day of the visit, the 11 young professionals convened at ASMEs 2 Park Avenue headquarters and met with John Koehr, managing director of technology advancement and business development for ASME, and Claudia Rasche, VDIs project coordinator for the ECE initiative, who both provided brief overviews of their respective societies for th e engineering teams. Israr Kabir, ASMEs program manager for emerging technologies, also gave the group a vorfhrung of the MakerBot Replicator 3D Printer that is housed at ASME headquarters. Nikhil Gupta, associate prof of mechanical and aerospace engineering at NYU, discussed cybersecurity concerns relating to additive manufacturing during his presentation to the Early Career Engineering Program group. (Photo by Wil Haywood, Public Information) The following day, the contingent toured the recently opened MakerSpace collaborative workspace at New York Universitys Tandon School of Engineering with Professor Nikhil Gupta and Victoria Bill, manager of the facility. Gupta and Bill discussed the vision behind the laboratory, which was developed to make learning about and experimenting with rapid prototyping more accessible to students at the university. During the tour, the ASME-VDI team members were able to get a close look at the variety of 3D printers at the facility. In add ition, Dr. Gupta gave a presentation, Cybersecurity in Additive Manufacturing, during which he provided his perspective on cybersecurity concerns related to additive manufacturing and discussed emerging research to help alleviate these concerns, including using embedded security features in additively manufactured products to ensure quality control and authenticity. The delegation then traveled uptown to Columbia University to visit the schools Creative Machines Lab, a robotics laboratory encompassing researchers from various disciplines including engineering, computer science, physics, math and biology. The engineers also heard a presentation from Hod Lipson, professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Creative Machines Lab. Dr. Lipson, whose work on self-aware and self-replicating robots, food printing and bio-printing has received considerable media attention, is the co-author of the recent book Fabricated The New World of 3D Printing and the co-author o f more than 200 technical papers.The group then returned to ASME headquarters for a tutorial on additive manufacturing from advanced manufacturing expert Timothy Simpson, professor of mechanical engineering at Pennsylvania State University and co-director of the universitys CIMP-3D Center for Innovative Materials Process through Direct Digital Deposition. During his presentation, Design Challenges and Research Opportunities in 3D Metal Printing, Dr. Simpson provided the ASME-VDI delegates with insight into additive manufacturing from both the academic and industry perspective. He also talked about his experiences with laser and electron beam AM machines, provided examples of several different machine builds, and discussed costs and the other pros and cons of additive manufacturing compared to tradition manufacturing. Hod Lipson, professor of mechanical engineering and director of Columbia Universitys Creative Machines Lab, addresses the ASME-VDI delegation during their v isit to the robotics laboratory. (Photo by Wil Haywood, Public Information) On the final day of the visit, members of the ASME and VDI teams met to share their observations on the previous days activities. They also discussed the next phase of the project, a re-convening of the two teams at VDI headquarters in Dusseldorf on Oct. 7 and 8, and the creation of a white paper or report including findings and recommendations based on the programs in New York and Dusseldorf. That report is expected to be completed next spring.Interest in AM continues to exceed expectations and is poised to grow significantly due to major acquisitions such as GEs recent $1.4 billion purchase of AM equipment providers Arcam and SLM, according to Dr. Simpson. In addition, software firms are also investing heavily in AM, as our computer-aided design now tools lag our manufacturing capability, limiting what engineers can design and analyze, he said, making this the perfect time for programs that fam iliarize early career engineers with this rapidly growing field.ASMEs Early Career Engineering Program with VDI is particularly important given the advancements in AM coming from Germany, Simpson said. (AM technology providers) EOS and SLM are globally recognized leaders in AM technology, and Germany and Europe are outpacing most the world in AM thanks to the Fraunhofer Institutes, which helped develop much of todays AM technology. Its important that ASME learn from their Germany counterparts how to engage with these institutes now that we have the National Network for Manufacturing neuerung in the U.S. Meanwhile, the focus on early career engineers is essential because these will be the engineering thought leaders that will help AM achieve its full potential. Tim Simpson (left), professor of mechanical engineering at Penn State and co-director of the universitys CIMP-3D Center for Innovative Materials Process through Direct Digital Deposition, shared insights into addit ive manufacturing from the viewpoints of both academia and industry during this presentation to the ASME-VDI group. (Photo by Wendy Felton, Public Information) The ASME-VDI Early Career Engineering Program is also significant because it highlights the fact that AM activities are taking place throughout the world at universities and other facilities, such as the TechShop network of fabrication studios, according to Raj Manchanda, ASME project manager for the ASME-VDI program and director for ASME Emerging Technologies. There may have just been a few engineers who were able to take part in this particular activity, but there are opportunities for engineers to learn more about AM just about everywhere, Manchanda said. If our project can help entice people to visit their own local university and ask if it has a MakerSpace they can get involved with, then weve achieved our goal.For more information on the ASMEs strategic interest in manufacturing or the ASME-VDI Early Career Engineering Program, contact Raj Manchanda, Emerging Technologies, by e-mail at

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Film Producer Job Skills List and Examples

Film Producer Job Skills List and ExamplesTelevision/Film Producer Job Skills List and ExamplesTelevision and film producers are the unsung heroes of any movie, TV program, commercial, etc. Some of the tasks producers may handle include managing schedules, coordinating locations, overseeing script rewrites, and arranging for financing. If theres a problem to solve or a question to answer, producers take the lead. As you can see, there are many different potential responsibilities that can be part of the producer role. Here is a list of the five primary skillsets producers need to have, as well as attached lists of related skills used by successful producers. How to Use Skills Lists You can use these skills lists throughout your career search process. The most important place to incorporate theseskill words is in your resume. Try to employ some of these keywords both in your initialsummary of qualificationsand in the work history section of your resume. You can also use these phra ses in yourcover letter, mentioning one or two of these skills in the body of the letter. Be aya to provide specific examples of times when you demonstrated these skills at work, as well. If there are specific skills mentioned in the job posting, make a point of echoing and highlighting these in your letter. A third opportunity to mention these skill words is in yourjob interviews. Make sure you have at least one example of a time you used each of the top five skillsets listed here to share with employers. Of course, each job will require different skills and experiences, so be sure to read the job description carefully, focus on the skills listed by the employer, andtailor your resume and cover letteraccordingly. Top Producer Skills Organization /SchedulingConsider the number of people involved in a film-based project. From script doctors to storyboard artists to actors to craft services to editors - the staff required is huge. Producers are often responsible for hiring. Subseq uently, producers need to keep both staffers and the project on track. They create schedules and share information so everyone knows where they need to be and what they need to do.Organization is vital to this role. Come prepared to interviews with examples of times youve created schedules and kept projects on deadline. Analytical SkillsAssigning TasksDelegatingFlexibilityPlanningPrioritizingTime ManagementWorking in Fast-Paced Environment BudgetingOnce financing is arranged, producers need to ensure that the movie or TV show stays within its budget. Producers help set a budget for every department and then track spending as well. If youre applying for a job, mention the size of a budget youve managed, as well as describing how you successfully dealt with and resolved any budget-related problems. Critical ThinkingDecision MakingDetail OrientationEstimating CostsMaintaining Relationships with VendorsSecuring Financing Problem SolvingUnexpected problems are common during filming (as w ell as during the planning stages and post-production). Maybe an actor gets injured, or a location turns out not to work. The script may need unexpected rewrites, or there could even be a transportation strike in the city during filming. Producers are responsible for removing roadblocks and coming up with new plans that get around problems. When people have questions or concerns, producers have answers. In interviews, provide clear examples of yourproblem-solving abilities. Aesthetic JudgementCreativityLeadershipMentoringResearchReviewing Modifications to ScreenplaysWorking Under Pressure MultitaskingBecause producers wear so many hats and are responsible for many varied aspects of a production,multitaskingis an essential skill. A producer may be working on the budget in the morning, then scheduling auditions in the afternoon. Being able to easily juggle many responsibilities, and switch from one task to another, is essential. Appraising TalentClosing DealsEvaluating Screenplays or ScriptsGenerating Story IdeasManaging TeamsProject ManagementRecruiting TalentSecuring Rights to Intellectual PropertySelecting StoriesSupervisory SkillsTeamwork CommunicationProducers need to have strong written and verbalcommunication skills. In your job application, you should talk about your communication style. Share examples of how youve shared information and handled communication break-downs. AssertivenessCoachingCollaborationEditingExplainingInterpersonal SkillsInterviewingListeningMotivating OthersNegotiatingNetworkingPitching Concepts to ProspectsPresentingSocial MediaVerbal CommunicationsWriting Job Outlook for Television / Film Producers According to theBureau of Labor Statistics, 134,700 people were employed as producers and directors in 2016 their median annual wage in May 2017 was $71,620. Career opportunities in this field are anticipated to grow by 12 percent by 2026.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Little-Known Secrets to Sample Resume Multiple Positions Same Company

The Little-Known Secrets to Sample Resume Multiple Positions Same Company The Chronicles of Sample Resume Multiple Positions Same Company The hiring manager doesnt wish to understand about each boring thing you were accountable for. Bigger stores could have recruiters on site. Inside my case, its a Visual Merchandising title with the exact company at a few different retail stores in and about NYC. If you may present your advancement right, you are going to receive a gold star in the view of a hiring manager. So, you will want to create distinct entries for each position. Every resume and cover letter needs to be tailored to fit the particular job listing. You should list the new job title beneath your present company, above your prior title and separate the info into two sections. Put your latest job title first. ur cover letter sample and writing tips below can help you write one that is going to get you the job that youve always desired. And should you ever need another set of eyes to assess your resume, you can ask for a free resume critique at TopResume. A web-based latex editor thats simple to use. The description ought to be short and concise, however in the event the graduate should fill space on the webpage, creating many lines of experience descriptors could be wise. Listen It could be difficult to produce numbers for each and every experience bullet. You are able to also use the bullet section to spell out the explanations for why you were promoted. Use this overall contractor resume example for a formatting guide and make a document of your own thats broken up into separate sections. Finding Sample Resume Multiple Positions Same Company on the Web The Job Objective Sometimes known as a career objective, the work objective is a rather important portion of the resume in the lack of a targeted job title. As always, you will start to your present job first. At your business, youve held many diverse positions. Office Manager positions are especially coveted on account of the high salaries and superior benefits, so therell be a whole lot of competition. The curriculum vitae has become the most accepted form for job applications throughout the world. A curriculum vitae cv stipulates an overview of your experience and abilities. Its possible to also have details about a degree program you are enrolled in. It is tough to absprache with lack of a degree or a deficiency of formal education without sounding apologetic. You may need to list the businesss information each moment, but the hiring manager will be in a position to clearly realize that youve accepted promotions within the exact firm. Above all, even when youre applying for a number of positions at a business, attempt to limit yourself and be realistic. Below is information on when applying for many jobs at an organization is an excellent idea. If youve held several jobs inside an organization you may be thinking about how to organize your resume. Deve loping a powerful resume thats visually appealing, full of compelling content, and grabs the eye of interviewers is no simple task, particularly in the present ultra-competitive landscape. Maybe you too are guilty of neglecting to set a headline and branding statement near the top of your resume. It is a perfectly understandable dilemma. If its a massive company, then theres a great chance you wont get the exact same hiring manager reviewing each application. All you need to know is when to use each strategy. If youre asking for a new job in the very same company you already do the job for, odds are youll be placed through exactly the same standard program, screening and interview processes as any other jobseeker. Its a fast and easy approach to be certain your resume is clear, organized, and prepared for the work search.Perhaps incorporate a paragraph that states why you believe you are a fantastic fit for the dienst generally. In it, use a couple of sentences to spell out th e position youre seeking, the degree of challenge you want or even the industry you want to work in. For instance, if youve initiated cost-cutting measures or took steps to boost client satisfaction, you can seem more qualified for a promotion since youve shown to get its very best interests in mind. There are only a few primary rules.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What You Need to Know About Resume Writing Companies Bangalore

What You Need to Know About Resume Writing Companies Bangalore The Death of Resume Writing Companies Bangalore There are some resume writing companies which do not provide expedited services. One of the advantages of seeking a resume service over the internet is the simplicity of get in contact with. So, its advisable to select the support of the companies which are offering resume writing services. As a way to grab the eye of the recruiter, its mandatory to select the support of the organizations which are offering resume writing services. The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Writing Companies Bangalore If you wish to get high excellent research and thesis papers in time and for an affordable price, you should probably attempt using Resume isnt just a slice of paper wherever your details are given. Finding the Best Resume Writing Companies Bangalore The secret to picking the most suitable legal resume writing company is to check at their professional resume wri ters. As stated earlier, the panel of resume writers are handpicked by unterstellung kinds of businesses and short listed dependent on the expertise they carry in each individual area. When a student has a lot of performers to pick from, things are extremely much simplified. Resume Writing Companies Bangalore - the Conspiracy Lots of people believe that they can create their own resume and do so on their house computer. If youre looking for a resume writing company, then all you will need is to search the web. If you are searching for the quickest and simplest way to make a resume, then look no mora. You have to create an internet site where the man or woman will enter all their private info, job history, and the rest of the relevant items associated with their resume. Our talent is to assist you to sell your talents. Professional resumes play an important role in helping a work seeker land the right prospect. To have a good job, its essential to have an attractive resume . Therefore if you want to receive your dream job, you will need to be noticeable and that happens with crafting a first-class resume. If you are searching for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. A company offering professional resumes can also make a summary resume and an expert biography for you at quite a reasonable price. If youd like your resume to get written by professional CV writers, then youre able to select an organization which balances both high quality and price. The foremost thing that one needs to do is to experience the site of the resume writing business in Bangalore. The Tried and True Method for Resume Writing Companies Bangalore in Step by Step Detail To compose a successful CV, youve got to get in touch with a CV writing company. The very first reader of several resumes is a computer. A great CV can help you to receive your favourite job. Recruiters are getting to be much more selective, so its even more important to stick out f rom the competition, get noticed and create the perfect impression with a fantastic personal advertising document (CV). You might have been an account manager at your prior job, but should you put that down on the resume, odds are you will be overlooked. Salary requirements should not be included in your resume as they may be a huge turn off to almost any business. Resume or CV is essential for someone whos in search of a job. All business resumes are especially targeted for a particular firm or organisation that the applicant wants to be hired at.